Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Create a new #HdyDialerCycleButton which displays @symbols. The symbols can by cycled through by pressing the button multiple times.
This signal is emitted when the cycle ends. This can either be because of timeout or because #hdy_dialer_cycle_stop_cycle got called.
This signal is emitted when the button starts cycling (that is on the first button press).
Get the symbol the dialer should display
Get the cycle timeout in milliseconds.
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Check whether the button is in cycling mode.
Set the cycle timeout in milliseconds.
Stop the cycling mode.
the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Get the #HdyDialerButton's digit.
Get the #HdyDialerButton's symbols.