Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Creates a new #HdyHeaderBar widget.
Gets the policy @self follows to horizontally align its center widget.
Retrieves the custom title widget of the header. See hdy_header_bar_set_custom_title().
Gets the decoration layout set with hdy_header_bar_set_decoration_layout().
Retrieves whether the header bar reserves space for a subtitle, regardless if one is currently set or not.
Get the main Gtk struct
Gets wether @self should interpolate its size on visible child change.
Returns whether this header bar shows the standard window decorations.
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Retrieves the subtitle of the header. See hdy_header_bar_set_subtitle().
Retrieves the title of the header. See hdy_header_bar_set_title().
Returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) that transitions between pages in @self will take.
Returns whether the @self is currently in a transition from one page to another.
Adds @child to @self:, packed with reference to the end of the @self:.
Adds @child to @self:, packed with reference to the start of the @self:.
Sets the policy @self must follow to horizontally align its center widget.
Sets a custom title for the #HdyHeaderBar.
Sets the decoration layout for this header bar, overriding the #GtkSettings:gtk-decoration-layout setting.
Sets whether the header bar should reserve space for a subtitle, even if none is currently set.
Sets whether or not @self will interpolate the size of its opposing orientation when changing the visible child. If %TRUE, @self will interpolate its size between the one of the previous visible child and the one of the new visible child, according to the set transition duration and the orientation, e.g. if @self is horizontal, it will interpolate the its height.
Sets whether this header bar shows the standard window decorations, including close, maximize, and minimize.
Sets the subtitle of the #HdyHeaderBar. The title should give a user an additional detail to help him identify the current view.
Sets the title of the #HdyHeaderBar. The title should help a user identify the current view. A good title should not include the application name.
Sets the duration that transitions between pages in @self will take.
the main Gtk struct