Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) that transitions between children in @self will take.
Returns whether @self is currently in a transition from one page to another.
Gets the type of animation that will be used for transitions between modes in @self.
Gets the fold of @self.
Gets whether @self is homogeneous for the given fold and orientation. See hdy_leaflet_set_homogeneous().
Returns wether the #HdyLeaflet is set up to interpolate between the sizes of children on page switch.
Get the main Gtk struct
Returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) that transitions between modes in @self will take.
Gets the type of animation that will be used for transitions between modes in @self.
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Get the visible child widget.
Sets the duration that transitions between children in @self will take.
Sets the type of animation that will be used for transitions between children in @self.
Sets the #HdyLeaflet to be homogeneous or not for the given fold and orientation. If it is homogeneous, the #HdyLeaflet will request the same width or height for all its children depending on the orientation. If it isn't and it is folded, the leaflet may change width or height when a different child becomes visible.
Sets whether or not @self will interpolate its size when changing the visible child. If the #HdyLeaflet:interpolate-size property is set to %TRUE, @stack will interpolate its size between the current one and the one it'll take after changing the visible child, according to the set transition duration.
Sets the duration that transitions between modes in @self will take.
Sets the type of animation that will be used for transitions between modes in @self.
the main Gtk struct