Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Create a new #HdyPaginator widget.
Gets animation duration used by hdy_paginator_scroll_to().
Sets whether @self is centering pages.
Gets spacing between content and page indicators.
Gets the current page indicator style.
Gets whether @self can be navigated.
Gets the number of pages in @self.
Get the main Gtk struct
Gets current scroll position in @self. It's unitless, 1 matches 1 page.
Gets spacing between pages in pixels.
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Inserts @child into @self at position @position.
Prepends @child to @self
Moves @child into position @position.
Scrolls to @widget position with an animation. #HdyPaginator:animation-duration property can be used for controlling the duration.
Scrolls to @widget position with an animation.
Sets animation duration used by hdy_paginator_scroll_to().
Sets whether @self is centering content. If #HdyPaginator:indicator-style is @HDY_PAGINATOR_INDICATOR_STYLE_NONE, centering does nothing, otherwise it adds whitespace to the left or above the pages to compensate for the indicators.
Sets spacing between content and page indicators. Does nothing if #HdyPaginator:indicator-style is @HDY_PAGINATOR_INDICATOR_STYLE_NONE.
Sets style of page indicators. Depending on orientation, they are displayed below or besides the pages. If the pages are meant to be centered, #HdyPaginator:center-content can be used to compensate for that.
Sets whether @self can be navigated. This can be used to temporarily disable a #HdyPaginator to only allow swiping in a certain state.
Sets spacing between pages in pixels.
the main Gtk struct